The XRP Myth Buster collection is available on xMart, which is an NFT marketplace running on the XRP Ledger.

Initially, the NFTs were distributed and minted with the XMB token. That phase is over and the XMB token is useless now.

Now, the NFTs are distributed directly on xMart. This is what you have to do when you win an XRP Myth Buster giveaway.

How to get your free NFT when you win an XRP Myth Buster giveaway

To be able to receive your XRP Myth Buster NFT, you need an XRP account.

  1. Set up your wallet with Xumm and fund your account with at least 13 XRP. You can buy your XRP on an exchange like Bitstamp or Uphold.
  2. Sing in at xMart with your Xumm wallet.
  3. Go to the menu Account – Offers & Approvals (see the picture below).
  4. Accept the free NFT, and it’s yours.

When you win an XRP Myth Buster NFT giveaway, you have 48 hours to accept your NFT on xMart. If you don’t do it, you will lose your free NFT to somebody else.


You have to confirm your NFT to have it transferred to your wallet.

Buying an XRP Myth Buster NFT

If you did not get any XMB token and you still want an XRP Myth Buster NFT, you can buy it from people who sell it.

Just go to xMart and sort the collection based on the price. Then you can purchase your desired NFT and pay with XRP. In that case you don’t the XMB token and the trust line.